Track Listing:
The Lord’s Prayer
How Excellent Is Your Name
- How Great Thou Art - Piano Solo
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Instrumental
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot
- Summertime
Jesus Is Boss
Let There Be Peace On Earth - Instrumental
The Impossible Dream
My Rock and My Fortress
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Piano Solo
- He’s Got the Whole World
Gillian Seecharan-Scott with Felix Roach & Friends

Traditional inspirational vocals and instrumentals richly
spiced with jazz improvisations and calypso rhythms. Gillian
Seecharan-Scott, a dramatic soprano specializing in traditional
and contemporary gospel has carved a unique niche among T&T's
vast array of musical talent.
Experience the classical treatment of The Lord's Prayer, the
jazzy How Excellent Is Your Name (Gillian's composition), the
gospel/spiritual Swing Low Sweet Chariot, the calypso Jesus Is
Boss & My Rock and My Fortress - Ray Holman co-compositions.
The accompanists, Felix Roach & Friends, play the Piano, Pan,
Bass, and Drums.
eCaroh Price: $15.95