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Track Listing:
Disc A
Karnaval People - C. Alexander 12:41
De Hustler - C. Alexander
Dry River Blues - C. Alexander 8:05
Summertime - G. & I. Gershwin
Reflection - C. Alexander 11:33
Ramajay - A. Hadeed 6:30
Fingers - C. Alexander, A. Hadeed 8:30
Disc B
Dadu - C. Alexander 7:23
Jane - S. Francisco 10:48
Pan in Harmony
- A. Roberts 9:02
What's the Name of This Song? - C. Alexander 6:37
Chasing Shadows - C. Alexander 12:51
Mauby Bach - C. Alexander 9:12
Ol' Lady - A. Roberts 10:21
Pan Jazz Conversations
/ Gayap Workshop

This replaces the single CD
Pan Jazz Conversations
Sorry, not available
Assorted yet
familiar is the short description of this double
CD set. Read through the track titles and the
names of the respective composers. Do the same
with the list of musicians and note the
instruments. What you see, and then hear, is a
gourmet array of delectables served for over two
hours. Two seven course meals in the form of
seven tracks on each disc - together a grand
banquet, really.
To enjoy this banquet you must have the time;
and any Demerara rum will enhance the
experience. Chilled coconut water could be a
substitute as you move from "Karnaval
People" to the "Ol' Lady". Remember you
will need two hours and ten minutes to enjoy it
all. [eCaroh/Ron March 2004]
- Clive "Zanda" Alexander – Piano, Soprano Steelpan, Flute, Voice, Whistling
- Annise Hadeed – Double and Quadruple
Steelpans, Percussion, Whistling
- Gerald Charles – Bass
- Mervyn de Gannes – Drums
- Mungal Patasar – Sitar
- Prashad Patasar – Tabla
- Fitzroy Coleman – Guitar