Writings on Guyanese Music
2003 & 2004
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“Writings On Guyanese Music 2003 & 2004”
is a collection of articles, essays, and reflections on Guyana’s
musical heritage produced during the period June 2003 to July 2004
and is directly related to an initiative of the Guyana Folk Festival
Committee. The Guyana Folk Festival is committed to the
preservation, propagation and promotion of the cultural heritage of
the people of Guyana. Since 2001, the committee has been organizing
the Guyana Folk Festival in New York. The annual event has three
dimensions: the Wordsworth McAndrew Awards, which recognize Guyanese
creative persons; a symposium; and a Family Fun Day.
Each year a theme is selected. For 2003,
the theme was “Celebrating Guyana’s Musical Heritage.” The decision
to adopt this theme emerged from the virtual unsung passing of two
of Guyana’s musical stalwarts - Billy Moore (Happy Holiday),
in late 2002, and Art Broomes, in early of 2003. Had it not been
for the efforts of Eddy Grant, Billy Moore would have been buried in
an unmarked pauper’s grave and forgotten. A similar silence was
associated with the passing of Art Broomes. Because of these
examples of disregard and the passing of more Guyanese musicians,
Guyana Folk Festival decided to focus on Guyana’s musical heritage
and encourage a number of activities. Godfrey Chin’s NOSTALGIA # 97
(January 15, 2003), reprinted in this collection, spoke to that
Among the first initiatives was launching
the series “Celebrating our Creative Personalities,” edited by Dr.
Vibert Cambridge and published in Sunday Stabroek. Since May
29, 2003, this fortnightly series has profiled more than 30
Guyanese. Several of the features are reprinted in this volume.
Concurrent with the launching of the
newspaper series was the decision to produce a CD of Guyanese
music. The result was the CD
Is We Ting that was
launched during Folk Festival 2003. That project, coordinated by
Ron Lammy, is testimony of the collaboration that is possible within
global Guyana — Guyana and its Diaspora. Tony Phillips, who lives
in Australia, provided the cover art for the CD. Ron Lammy, who
lives in Boston [ Massachusetts], and Reggie Paul, who lives in
Florida, coordinated the mixing and balancing of the musical
selections that were provided by Guyanese musicians living in
Guyana, Trinidad, Canada, the Cayman Islands, the United Kingdom,
and the United States.
Through Is We Ting, we are able to
celebrate more than 50 years of Guyanese musical creativity. The 19
selections include Bill Rogers’ “Weed Song,” Terry Gajraj’s
rendition of “Guyana Baboo,” King Fighter’s “Come Leh We Go Sookie,”
Police Male Voice Choir’s “Jane Engage,” Doreen Gravesande’s “Ting
A Ling,” Lady Guymine’s “Granny Fit,” and Hugh Sam’s arrangement of
the medley “Satira Gal”/ “Lotan Gal”/ “Uncle Joe”/ “Auntie Bess.”
Collectively, the writings on Guyanese
music by Vibert Cambridge, Godfrey Chin and Ray Seales, son of the
legendary Al Seales, provide an opportunity to see the scope and
functions of Guyana’s musical heritage. The presentations from the
2003 Symposium play a similar role. “Writings On Guyanese Music
2003 & 2004”, therefore, permits the reader to learn more about
Guyana’s folk heritage and join in the recognition of some of
Guyana’s musical heroes. Vibert C. Cambridge, Ph. D., Coordinator,
Guyana Folk Festival 2003 Symposium
Section I
Nostalgia 97: Billy Moore Happy Holiday!
Section II
The Folk Heritage
Section III
National Icons
Section IV
Reflections on the Musical Landscape
Section V
Music and Politics
Section VI
The Business of Music
Section VII
Poetry, Music & New Styles
Section VIII
CD Rom – Musical illustrations for Mildred
Lowe’s presentation “ A Selection of Guyanese Folk Music
Performances: The Last Forty Years” |