Track Listing:
- Rock To Soca
Golden Memories
Power Of Prayer
- Band Conductor
The Fifth
- Art Of Lovemaking
- Tribute Medley
- Band Conductor - Instrumental
- Rock To Soca - Instrumental
A well balanced assortment of songs that show Aloes' artistry
both as a composer and singer. Golden Memories is a direct tribute
to Kitch without the platitudes; Band Conductor sounds like a
tribute too with the Kitch-like phasing and Pan solo. Power of
Pray acknowledges the Shango and religious influences in Trini
life. The Fifth is a softer than usual yet pointed political
commentary and Shorty's Art of Lovemaking make this a must have
CD. Long after the carnival season has passed you will enjoy
listening to a polished Mr. Prestigious. |
Sugar Aloes
Mr. Prestigious

eCaroh Price: $15.95