Track Listing:
Medley 1
Meh Lover (Nelson), The Garden (Shadow), Rocket (Merchant)
Medley 2
Pajama Suit (King Fighter), Swing (Super Blue), My Time (AnnMarie
Inniss & Boogsie)
Medley 3
All Man Wine On A Woman (Iwer), Feeling It (Baron), Ah Want It
(Johnny King), Pay De Devil (Shadow), Conga Line (Spice and
Company), Carnival is Bacchanal (Ghetto Flex/Rocky)
Medley 4
Sookie (King Fighter), Caribbean Connection (Merchant), Paranoid
Carnival Baby (Lord Kitchener) vocals Marvelous Marva
Medley 6
Rope, Recka, Ms Mary, Bull-Pistle, Ice Love Ice Love Ice Love
Carnival Baby (Instrumental)
H-Town Squad
Total Retro
Price: $15.95